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Marco provides a $300,000 factoring facility for Tradix Root Inc.

Lucía Irureta Goyena
March 21, 2023

The Canadian corporation focused on selling board and paper products to LatAm distribution and manufacturing companies, Tradix Root Inc., completed a $300,000 factoring facility with Marco in order to increase cash flow and grow the business.

"Our partnership with Marco is a testament to what can be achieved when two organizations share a common goal and work together towards it,” Kelvin Malpartida, CFO of Tradix Root Inc, expressed. “We appreciate the insights and expertise Marco brings to our partnership. Our company has big goals and we are excited to see where we will go next together."

“It is really exciting to see business owners bringing money back to their communities like Tradix,” Bryan Hatfield, Business Development Officer at Marco, said. “I am just happy to be a part of their growth.”

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